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Dedication and Determination can take one to places . The love for work and confidence helps one to grow in life . It's a pleasure to introduce one such personality who has risen up to that level of success... Mukta Chopra. Mother, Model and a flight attendant , this Hongkong based Mrs Universe South Central Asia 2016, is a multi tasker and holds several titles under her kitty including Mrs India beautiful eyes 2014 and Mrs Universe devoted 2016.  She is also a brand ambassador and face franchise for many big brands . She is focused on achieving her dreams and working towards what she is passionate about. She says her children constantly encourage her to follow her dreams and husband is equally supportive, saying ' you will regret if you don't pursue your passions '!

Despite her modelling work, a 22 year career as a flight attendant and children aged 9 and 13 to care of , she still finds time to look after herself. ' I love yoga and try and exercise whenever I get a chance . I am a woman and women are inherently blessed with natural ability to multi task '  says Mukta.

She further adds , My childhood memories abound with moving around the country with my father who served in the Indian Army. It  meant  discipline  with perseverance and a healthy dash of fun. Mukta has walked the ramp for many indian and international designers and has done modelling for big brands too. She has proved that she is a woman of substance with her endless achievements.  She believes that she didn't get here by wishing for it or hoping for it , but for working for it ! Her advice to women who do wish to pursue their dreams in this direction is ' Be prepared to work hard.


The world of glamour has a whole lot of sweat and toil behind it. It takes sheer grit and determination to look beautiful and poised despite the long gruelling hours and the efforts of several people goes into making you a success'.
Mukta with her attractive qualities and magnifying persona impresses like of others serving as a role model. Above all she proves ' women are the largest reservoir of talent in the world '. She defines success on her own terms , achieved it by her own rules and built a life where she is proud to live.

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